Penis enlargement ointment, it’s unique herbal formula can increase the reflux of blood, the body stores the release of the male hormone, began to manufacture the body’s natural hormone, providing the penile growth of nutrition needed, increasing the expansion of the Corpora cavernosa, increasing the capacity of the blood, promote the growth of the penis.Let your wife be more crazy.
Steps for usage:
- Apply a gel on the erectile penis
- Use the thumb and forefinger to form a circle, trap the penis
- Hand slowly and hand massage the entire penis and scrotum
- hand massage, squeeze, hand holding the penis to pull out, each 2-3 seconds
- Duration of about 2-5 minutes, until there is a slight thermal expansion can be.
Use of treatment:
The first branch: because the short penis is mainly due to damage to the corpus cavernosum cells, inhibition of cell division, so the first branch will generally feel little effect, mainly repair the corpus cavernosum tissue;
The second branch: blood circulation to speed up the erection speed to enhance the hardness of the blood vessels to improve the thickening of The penis mainly promote the sponge cell division, penile growth 1-2 cm thickening; and increase the duration of sexual intercourse;
The third branch: to consolidate the expansion of the corpus, strengthen metabolism, enhance the length of the penis length 3-5 cm, the thickness of about 0.5-1 cm.
1, The product is pure natural ingredients extracted, no stimulation;
2, Recommended wash the scrotum and penis with warm water before use.
3, After the massage can be completely absorbed, do not need to clean;
4, If accidentally into the eyes, with water can be cleaned;
50 g
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