600 Answers to your doubts, Queries & Curiosities
35 Myths that are affecting your sex life
Do we really need a book on bedroom education for couples in this time and age when sexual information and misinformation is flooding the internet with lakhs of websites dedicated to sex? Unfortunately, the sites most often visited by men and women are pornographic in nature and do not educate about sex at all.
No book has been written till now, that explores the common sexual myths in detail.
What if you ask a question to a doctor, “Is Masturbation harmful”? and he will rely “NO”.
Does that answer satisfy you? Wouldn’t you want to know why?
The book will explore thity- five sexual myths in detail. It will convince you and your partner, that a particular belief you hold is a myth. It also provides answers to your Top 600 queries about sex, thereby helping you shed off your inhibitions to make your bedroom a more joyous place for both of you.
It will help all those who are not sexually literate, are too embarrassed to ask questions on sex to their doctors and all those who want to prevent sexual problems and enhance their sex lives. This book has helped many to lead a more satisfying sex life and also help prevent many sexual problems in future.
Pages- 167
Language- English
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