From the name it is clear that this Ayurvedic medicine is prepared for giving you rock hard erections that last long. Hashmi Hardrock Capsules are not only recommended for men suffering from erectile dysfunction, but also could be used for enhancement of love making sessions even by normal males.
Raw ingredients gathered from remote locations are used in preparing this medicine. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction and impotence are immensely benefitted by administration of this herbal medicine. Regular dosage of this capsule taken over a period of two months removes impotency and enables you to regain an active sex life. Limpness of penis gets cured and you are able to get rock hard and prolonged erections every time you are desirous of making out with your partner.
Hashmi Hardrock Capsules should be ingested 15-20 minutes prior to having sex, and its impact remains for 4-6 hours. For best results and complete cure of impotency, two capsules, one after breakfast and one at bed time, should be adminintered. This medicine has a worldwide market and it efficacy in treating erectile dysfunction has been found to be more than 86 percent. Medications should always be carried under medical supervision.
This Ayurvedic preparation is sold in vials of 20 capsules. We at Pure Passion execute orders cautiously so as not to disclose its identity from outside.
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